Friday, 11 May 2007

Day 17 on CD

Been a bit rubbish at updating this week. Weigh in on Tuesday was fine, lost anothe 3lbs so current total is 347lbs which is good in 2 months.

Had been on nights, then a day off then back in on nights for overtime. Leaving early tomorrow though to drive my parents to the airport.

Still feeling bleurgh. Trying not to be and give an outward show of someone who's happy but feeling down. Don't know why really. Having niggling feelings that although I know the weight is coming off and I know its showing, what if it doesn't make me happier? Maybe I've put too much importance on it and stupid thoughts that if I can sort the weight out I'll end up being happy.

Thank you for the lovely comments. I've not read them properly as I got a bit snivelly and I'm at work so will read again properly from home.


chrismars said...

you really are going through a bot of a slump at the moment, aren't you Wendy? It seems so unlike how you've been since the begining. Do't give up though, sweetie. You WILL get through it. Just get on here and rant and rave (that's what the others have told me to do) and it will help you.

I don't think you can use being slim as a crutch for being happier. It won't make you happier, but it will make you fitter and it will make you healthier...and that will make you happier. Just think of it that way and you'll pull yourself through, Wendy.

Have a good week and keep your chin up....

Chris (((hugs))) xx

Tim said...

Kin el Wend (pardon my French) you've lost 347 lbs in 2mth and your not chuffed! Get outta here. Sweet peas in and not dead yet by the way!