Wednesday 4 April 2007

Day 28, pt - Weekly Weigh-In

Lost another 2.5lb's, so that's a total of 23.5lb's so far.

Work tomorrow so off to bed now.


Lesley said...

Well done - it's coming off at a steady rate. Another couple of weeks and you're at the 2 stone mark which is a great milestone.

Keep it up and have a nice day off.

Lesley x

Steph said...

Well done Wendy. They really need to get some emoticons on here, if I put this :cheer: you'll know what I mean lol.

You are doing really well and I'm so happy for you.

Steph x

Anonymous said...

Well done you Keep up the good work & hugs for the hounds!

. said...

Wendy that's another good loss - well done :)
