Saturday 7 April 2007

Day 31

Another day with not much to report. Didn't start work until 10am and was lucky in that we were able to go home at 4.30pm, so a nice short day and some time to myself at home.

Still drinking the water and getting through the foodpacks.

I'm getting more worried about Poppy as she's going off her food again, probably due to being so swollen. I've got her cooked chicken and bought pouches of 'real' food from the pet shop, so all natural ingredients, but she's not interested in those much anymore. Eventually got her to eat something this evening but its a worry as being a Lab, she's always loved her food. She's booked in for an abdomen drain again on Wednesday so I just hope she can cope until then. Will take her and Bumpy up on the hill tomorrow and see if she can manage a little potter about.

The fab new bed I bought her the other week isn't so popular anymore, which is a shame as I thought it would be comfortable for her, but I think the beans moving about when she goes to get on it are the problem as her mobility is a litle reduced as she's so big around the middle. I found a comfy looking bed on Ebay, which matches Bumpy's bed, so as my paypal account was topped up when I sold a mobile phone on there, I emailed the seller and he can supply the large bed. Hope it arrives soon!

Working tomorrow night but will hope the weather is good again tomorrow as I'll be here to actually enjoy some of it!


. said...

:( Hope Poppy isn't feeling too bad -- are you able to get to the vets over the holiday if she needs it? I don't have any pets so don't know what access to vet services is like. Really sad for her that she keeps filling up like this, hope she managed to eat something tonight.

Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow, Happy Easter.


Lesley said...

Yeah - come on Pops! Tuck in and have a good Easter.

I know the feeling about beds. Shelagh had a sofa that she loved but while doing the nesting and turning round in a circle thing they do (so cute) she scratched her way through the material so that it eventually became too thin to repair and she is not interested in the replacement I have purchased!

I then bought one off ebay but got the size disastrously wrong (it looked like a paddling pool for her!). She likes that one though so when I manage to return it I will re-order a proper sized one and hope for the best!!

Damn dogs - they really tug at your heartstrings don't they?

Have you seen Kittycat's Cambridge Diet blog? She has posted some of the most gorgeous photos of her and her friend's rescue dogs - really brilliant images. As a dog lover I'm sure you'd like them.

Anyway, keep it up.

Lesley x

SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

I am sure poppy will be herself again after the drain like last time. I know it must be a worry.

Also brill on the weight loss, I am trying to follow your lead and drink more water then the min 4 litres. Hope it helps my weight loss.

Take Care

Sam xx