Sunday 15 April 2007

Day 39

Busy, but good day today. The Oldies Club (see links) organised a south west walk to celebrate their second anniversary, so Bumpy and I were going along. It's been a lovely day here, really quite warm so unfortunately Poppy had to stay at home as she wouldn't have managed the walk which was at the Cotswold Water Park. We met up with lots of other lovely OC supportes at Keynes Park which is where you can walk the dogs round the lakes.

Lots of the dogs enjoyed splashing about in the water and Bumpy had a little paddle, closely watched by Amber and Freddie Bassetts. All the dogs were very good and Bumpy has been snoring loudly since we got home. All the others were staying for a picnic but I came home, partly not to be watching people eat, but also as Poppy needed her tablets.
Thank you for all the comments after me posting about switching to CD. I will keep reading through the Green book and writing in here as already when I look back I see observations I've made about my previous eating patterns so I think a big part for me is realising where I previously went wrong and not going back to those old habits.


chrismars said...

It's ben a lovely day, hasn't it.

I'm glad all the comments re your switch to CD were helpful, Wendy. I'm not sure I could have kept to this journey myself without the blogs and the help and support of everyone on here It's great, isn't it?

Chris x

Lesley said...

Love the sound of the OC - they all look pretty happy snuuffling around in the water. Great to see.

Well done on avoiding temptation too. It's best to keep your powder dry and save the real willpower for things you can't avoid eh?

Have fun and keep it up.

Lesley x

SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

I am glad to hear you will still be posting when you move onto CD. you have lost weight really well and am sure will continue to so do.

You sound really determined and in control, especially your decsion to eat when away. Good for you.

All the dogs look content, I miss not having mine but not around enogh to care for one these days.

Keep us posted


Angelica Maybe said...

always remember this is your journey to a lighter life, not LL the diet!

You'll be fine on CD and I'm still at the end of the phone if you begin to waver at all.

I think I need a counselling too much to move to CD, despite the flavours sounding nicer. I'm finding out I'm mentaller then I maybe thought.

Glad you had a nice day today, its been so sunny and hot.


. said...

Your day sounds lovely, the dogs all look really happy. Poppy probably had a nice rest while you and Bumpy were out!
