Sunday 1 April 2007

Day 25


Well, the first 100 days of Foundation, anyway. But it feels good and has perked me up a bit. Still thinking about food quite a lot but imagining the nice things I will have once I get to the end of this. From now on I will keep telling myself that if I can get this far without eating, I can easily carry on.

Having a lazy day today, apart from a bit of housework and walking the dogs. Will catch up with everyone else's blogs later as I've been a bit poop at keeping up and you lot are all so supportive.


. said...

It's a great feeling hitting a quarter of the way through isn't it - it was 25 days for me last Monday .... time doesn't half fly.


chrismars said...

I know it's hard some days. We just have to keep in mind what we're doing here and remember that the bad days are all a means to an end - and it will end and we'll forget the bad days and just relish in our new shapes, new health, new clothes and new healthier lifestyles.

Well that's what I try to myself at times like those, so surely there's no harm in passing it on...LOL

You're doing brilliantly, Wendy. Keep it up.

(By the way, John doesn't go to the same place as you for the summer garden party, after all)

Have a good week, Chris x

Anonymous said...

WELL DONE! Just take it a day at a time & you'll get there without noticing! (ok possibly a bit optimistic!!). Big hugs!