I treated both the dogs to an Easter Egg each. As you can see, Poppy was not impressed to start with...

She was more interested in watching what Bumpy was doing with his egg.
Bumpy, being a typical food-focused Lab, didn't hang around and even started trying to remove the egg from the foil himself!
Deciding it wasn't poison, Pops had a little bit of chocolate, bless her.
It's been another beautiful day but as I'm on nights from tonight, I tried to have a lie in. Got up at 6am and let the dogs out but went back for another couple of hours. Woke up as I could hear Poppy trying to get up the stairs but sadly she can't manage on her own so I had to jump out of bed to stop her coming up.
Once the dogs were sorted out, pottered around for most of the morning, doing housework stuff and then went back to bed at about 1pm to try and get a few hours extra sleep. Forgot to close the stairgate so was woken by Pops trying, and managing this time, to get up the stairs. She really is a mummy's girl and just wanted to sleep by my bed.
Work is really quiet this evening as due to the weekend there's various stuff put on hold. Co-worker has gone to the pub and I might go and visit my dad later as he's working nights too. Being bored isn't making me want to eat, which is good although I am bored with the foodpacks, but then I suppose I always have and will be.
Going to catch up with everyone else's blogs in a bit, and a special hello to Mel *waving*
Hi Wendy
Have eventually caught up with your blog.. I printed off until day 29 last Thursday and caught up with the rest this morning. Chris is in bed so an ideal time to read!! Peacefully.. My first question before reading this morning was about going to be about Poppy! I have caught up now so I can see her progress, hope she is ok. Your pictures are great, I love the way you can post them and then a comment, I'm not that clever to have worked that one out yet.. I love your Radley bag, I love Radley too and it's great when you can get a bit of discount as they are so bloody expensive. I wouldn't have a clue which year is which regarding the bags, I think a good idea is just to buy it if you love it or a present is even better! I was pleased to see your BP was good, it's nice when a professional person recognises your effort and achievement! Excellent weight loss, was very jealous to read 23 and a half pounds, that's amazing! I agree however the packs do not get any better. If it wasn't for being able to microwave my lemon bar I think I would have given up!!
Keep up the good work and I hope Poppy feels better... Hope you get a chance to enjoy some sun...
Claire :o)
Great to see Pops enjoying her egg - lucky girl! I dread the day when my spoilt brat of a dog gets old so can only hope that I cope as well as you do and make all her days as happy as can be.
I went jogging this morning and had to drag Shelagh out with me - you would have thought I was taking her for a bath and to have her ears clipped (her worst nightmares). Her body language was comical - an onlooker would have assumed that I beat her regularly!! Of course once we got out she was happy as Larry - spoilt brat!!
Lesley x
Photos look lovely, glad to see that Poppy was at least able to enjoy a nibble and of course to hear that Bumpy enjoyed his egg.
Enjoy work while it's peaceful, we don't get it like that often enough and don't work too hard tonight.
Just to say well done for keeping going during the doggy choc fest. The photos are lovely.
Hope Pops is ok until her drain.
Thinking of you.
Mrs L (and her chocolate Lab) xxxxxxx
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