Monday 9 April 2007

Day 33

Took Poppy to the emergency vets this evening, before work. She'd gone off her food completely and was very restless, struggling with her breathing and looking very unhappy. Whereas she would be interested in me preparing her food, she wasn't even following me to the kitchen. Pieces of chicken wouldn't tempt her, nor a piece of her easter egg. Fortunately my vets are very good and when the vet called me back after I called the out of hours number, he told me to meet him at the hospital with Poppy.

Struggled to get Pops out of the car and when we got in the vets, she just flopped on the floor, unable to sit or stand comfortably. When Nick, the vet, arrived, he told me I had two choices - do the drain tonight, or make a decision I've been putting off. I explained that after the last drain, the change in Poppy was almost instant, so I wanted the drain done. I know I need to make sure my emotions don't get in the way of any decisions, but I know she's not ready to give up yet. She's still wagging her tail and her eyes are bright, so while she's like that, she's got to have everything done possible.

I signed the consent form (which I always hate) and took Poppy through to the theatre and left her with the vet nurse. Once I was in work, about an hour after I'd left Pops, Nick phoned and said he had managed to drain off 5 litres of fluid which was great news. Surprising, as I was expecting the amount of fluid to be less each drain, but he was pleased with that. He told me she was eating some dinner and he wanted to keep her in over night so the on-site nurse could keep a check on her. I know she didn't rest much today as when I was trying to sleep I could hear her pacing about downstairs, so hopefully she'll be glad of the peace and have a good nights sleep. I'll be glad to go and get her in the morning. Just hope Bumpy is ok tonight as he's never been left on his own overnight since I've had him. My neighbour will be going in at about 10pm as usual, to take him for his last walk and said she'd give him a couple of extra biscuits.

To say I'm relieved, is an understatement. I was so scared earlier as she just looked so pathetic. While we waited for Nick, I sat on the floor with her and cuddled her, talking to her and her eyes were still bright and she knew I was chattering away, but she didn't even have the strength to hold her head up. Obviously this drain is not going to give her much more time, but all the time her eyes are bright and light up when I talk to her, she's going to have everything possible done.

I sat at home earlier, dithering as to whether or not to call the out of hours vets number, but knowing I'd be at work I was so worried that Poppy's heart wouldn't be able to cope and I dread something happening when I'm not there.

Oddly, despite all my worrying, I've not sought comfort from food. I think that before LL I would probably have stocked up on junk food on the way in to work, justifying to myself that I felt down so needed the food. Ok, so I would normally have bought crappy food anyway, but I didn't stop and buy big bars of chocolate or tubes of Pringles.

Once again, thank you for all your kind words on my blog. I will try my best to catch up with everyone.


Tim said...

You know I care about Pops as well but believe me you wouldn't have been allowed to do the food consolation thing. Like I said earlier - we're in this together. Posh frocks with Sarara and sundresses in the global warming summer. You can't fail cos you're not allowed to!!!

Lesley said...

Come on Pops, ou can do it! Well done on resisting the dreaded comfort food. It's so insidious but LL does help with that mindset.

Keep it up and good luck with Poppy.

Lesley x

Unknown said...

Well done for not turning to food Wendy. It is so easily done especially when used as a crutch before.

Sending get well wishes constantly to Poppy.

chrismars said...

Oh, Wendy. I haven't looked in for a few days andhav ejust read about Poppy's latest foray to the vet. I really hope she'll be well for some time to come. And good on you for keeping on track when I know things are ard for you at the moment.

Best wishes, Chris x

. said...

Poor Poppy, but what a trooper she is - that lady has got some inner strength to get through all of this and still be bright eyed and waggy tailed .... give her a hug from us all - and Bumpy of course as we don't want him left out.

You did so well to stay so strong and not cave in ... you and Poppy are both stronger than you think.


Melanie said...

Awwww....that sad little face on the previous post, she looks so sweet. I do hope she's feeling better after the op.

Lots of get well thoughts for her, and well done to you for not looking for food for comfort!

Mel x

Claire Elliott said...

Hi Wendy
Good news about the 5 litres, it sounds like she is a fighter!! I agree wholeheartedly with your decisions to date and really understand with what we went through with our dog Prince. Poppy looks so sweet on the picture, little does she know how famous she has become!! Well done for resisting, you're to be admired, I think I would have caved!! Keep up the good work, and give Poppy a little pat from me..

Claire :o)