Wednesday 4 April 2007

Day 28

As I type this, I can hear the ice cream van up the road. Its annoying rather than tempting, so thats good.

Domestic day today as back to work tomorrow and I like to have everything clean and tidy as I don't have time when I get in after work. I'll be on my 3 days/3 nights which means no Easter break for me, but I don't actually mind and wouldn't have been doing much anyway.

There are 2 easter eggs in the house. Not for me, they are special Dog Easter Eggs that I got in the pet shop yesterday, so there is no temptation. Poppy has been a bit unwilling to eat so I got some more naturediet yesterday along with some pouches of natures menu. Seems she likes the 'real' food with her biscuits, but so long as she eats, I don't really care. There's a new pet shop opened in town here which is great as it stocks the food Bumpy has. It's one of the cheapest but its made for working dogs, and is one of the few that doesn't upset his tummy. We'll be going up the hill in a bit for our walk but have to wait until after 3pm as the cow's go in for milking then.

I'm looking forward to weigh-in tonight although I'm being realistic in thinking that the loss will probably start to slow down. Don't care though as I'm one and a half stone lighter than I was a month ago, which is great.

Will report back later after weigh-in.


Angelica Maybe said...

I'm sure you'll be fine at your weigh in! Looking forward to hearing the news.


Melanie said...


Saw your comments on Lesely's blog and thought I'd check in and say Hi.

I'm not doing lighter life I'm chugging along with my own made up diet, which for some strange reason actually seems to be working so far.

However it is my intention to start Cambridge when I get back off my hols in July to blast the rest of the stones.

Regardless of how we do it, we're all headed in the same direction with similar goals and it's great to share the journey.

Good luck for tonight's weight in!
