Saturday 3 March 2007

4 days to go

Not much to report today. Went to Bristol to see a friend and had a couple of coffee's but then stopped on the way home at McDonalds. Did a bit of shopping in Sainsburys and got bacon to have a buttie for breakfast tomorrow. Feels odd, but in a good way, to think that all these things I like I will not eat again for months.

I bought some sweetners to have with coffee instead of sugar. I'm not keen on black coffee but I'll give it a go although I suspect I'll end up drinking water when I would normally have had coffee.

My bestest friend Mindy has given me a rather wonderful incentive - when I've got down to a size 14 she is going to buy me a Radley bag of my choice. I love my Radley things - I have one bag, one umbrella, a mobile phone holder, 2 purses and a mirror in a case. When I was in Bath yesterday I was looking at the Radley bags in House of Fraser and there are some lovely new ones. I'm not sure how much weight I will need to lose to get to a size 14, but I'm guessing its going to be autumn time, so perfect for the new season Radley bags. Its a very generous and lovely thing for her to do and not only am I looking forward to being the size I want to be, but I'll have a fab new Radley hanging off my arm!

While I was in the car earlier I drank a half litre bottle of water. My friend San who is doing so brilliantly well on LL said she usually drinks a litre of water on the way to and from work. I'm thinking thats a good plan and will have a bottle ready for when I'm in the car.

I just want to get to Wednesday now and get started. I have this overwhelming feeling that my life will change once I'm no longer fat. I hope I'm right...

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Hi Wendy. I noticed your comment on Chris's blog. She and I pop in to each other's blogs from time to time as we're both doing LL, although I'm 7 weeks in now.

It was good reading about your last few days as you have taken me back to exactly how I felt when I was about to start - nervous, excited, determined, excited... I'm sure you're going to do really well and blogging is an excellent way to avoid temptation and make sure you stick to it I've found. You're onto a winner already.

Good luck for Wednesday - it'll not be as bad as you think, honestly. Check out my blog (by clicking on my name) if you're interested; it might give you some inspiration.

Also, I've no idea how much you have to lose but I managed to lose nearly 3 stone in 6 weeks! Everyone in my class has lost more than a stone and a half in that time! So, unless, you've only got a small amount to lose I bet you lose more than the stone you were talking about in one of your posts!

Good luck!!!