Tuesday 27 March 2007

Day 20

Well its been a busy day today. Haven't even had time to think about LL really, which is good I suppose. Took Pops to the vets this morning for her checkup. Not brilliant news but she's got to have another fluid drain in 2 weeks although the vet warned me that as she has more drains done, they will not be able to take so much fluid. The right side of her heart is pretty much knackered so its just going to be waiting until her heart gives up completely. In herself though, she's still happy and waggy and eating well.

After we got back, I had my usual breakfast of a hot raspberry shake. I've never actually tried it cold but like it hot, which is possibly a bit odd. Once I'd had that I decided that as it was such a lovely sunny day, I'd go to the garden centre for a few things. There's a lovely one near me at Lacock and as I was looking for a rose, I went there as they have a good selection.

Last year for my birthday my dad made me a pergola for the patio and I have a yellow Clematis which grows up one side so I thought I would find a nice yellow climbing rose to grow up the other side. I found one called Arthur Bell which was just what I wanted and it will have strongly scented flowers apparently. I got a couple of lovely glazed blue pots for the rose and to move the clematis into. Also bought some perennials - Pinks, Lupins, Red Hot Poker and some flower seeds and spent most of the afternoon out in the garden planting everything up. Just got to wait for it all to grow now!

I suppose that being busy, I didn't feel hungry and wasn't thinking about food. I know I didn't have enough water but will try and make up for it this evening. I didn't have my second foodpack of the day until about 6pm so will double up 2 chocolate's and them have later. I avoided going anywhere near the cafe at the garden centre as I still don't feel ready to be near food yet - that it always smells lovely in there I'm not sure I trusted myself!

I phoned Katrina at work last night and had a lovely chat with her. She's done with LL now and eating normal food again but she said she is very much aware of what she's eating. I was trying to remember when it was she started, but I think its about 6 months now so to think that in that time she has lost the weight she wanted to and is back on proper food is very inspiring.

Weigh-in night tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. I'll try and remember to read my Foundation book tomorrow, in between sleeping as I'm on nights from tomorrow. I don't think I could manage this without the weekly session as I am still really missing food. Nothing specific, just real food. I expect its quite normal and I will just keep on reminding myself that I've done nearly 3 weeks of this already, so if I can do 3 weeks, whats a few more?


Lesley said...

God - I'm so jealous - my garden is a building site at the moment. I can't wait to be out there planitnng stuff up raher than shifting tons of soil from one place to another and weeding, weeeding weeding...
It will be lovely one day...is my mantra...

well done on all the activity and give Pops a big stroke from me.

Lesley x

Unknown said...

I cleaned my greenhouse out ready for the onslought of all my seeds, I make hanging baskets for mummy and sistor and of course me! It is a wonderful being outside I love it. Keep your spirits and good luck xx

Angelica Maybe said...

I think you should come and sort my garden out! My mud pit which is now dried out and like a concrete pit in stead. No inspiration to garden design from me!

I hopes Pops is doing ok today, I hope Bumpy is looking after her ;-)


Steph said...

I want to get some plants for my back garden this year but I'm having second thoughts now. I bought some indoor plants for the kitchen, watered them twice a week like it said on the instructions but they are dead now, only had them a few week.

I absolutely loved them pics you took of your garden last year and the pergola looked amazing.

Keep up the good work, you're doing so well.