Thursday 15 March 2007

Day 8, pt 2

Hmmm... well today wasn't so easy as I had hoped. Sitting in an open plan office and seeing people walk past with their Starbucks lattes, breakfast baps and lunch etc did make me feel hungry. I took 2 foodpacks and a toffee bar to work and drank over 5 litres of water, but still the smells made me feel hungry. I suppose being at home, I can avoid having to come into contact with food, whereas at work I can't. I know I will have to face it, but in my mind I think I want to be further into the programme, in a 'no going back' kind of way.

Anyway, this is just a short update as I'm knackered and need to be up early again in the morning.

Thank you for all the lovely comments, my wonderful cyber-support network. I've been a bit slack in keeping you with you all today but promise I will do soon :o)


Lesley said...

when I struggled with other people eating at the beginning I took myself out of the environment so far as possible. I went for a walk or swimming at lunchtime or just into a corner with a book which I found took the edge off. Alternatively, there's always displacement activity -! (Probably a dangerous thing to start though...)

Now I don't notice it so hopefully you'll also get used to tuning out the background smells and sights.

Good luck Wendy!

Claire Elliott said...

Hi Wendy

Well done on the fantastic loss that's brilliant! Keep up the good work.

Claire :)

Wendy said...

Thanks Lesley and Claire

I'm still finding it difficult being near people eating, and working in an open plan office doesn't help, but I just keep telling myself that I want to be thinner more than I want to eat normal food!

Wendy x