Sunday 4 March 2007

Life in limbo...

Feel a bit like I'm in limbo now while I wait for Wednesday, although I suppose I won't actually be starting LL properly until Thursday. It's been a crappy day with the weather today so apart from getting drenched walking Bumpy, I've not done a lot. Haven't eaten much either and have a nice chicken pasta salad for my dinner tonight.

I'm at work tonight, on a 12 hour shift which finishes at 7am. I was due to be on nights Wednesday but managed to get a swap so I could go to join my LL group.

Strange thing with all this LL stuff is that I've told friends and online friends on the dog rescue forum I frequent, but I've not actually told my mum yet. I know that if I were to ask her whether she worries about my weight, she would tell me she does, so I know she would be supportive. Maybe I'm not saying anything as every other time I've started a diet I've told her but then failed?

I have been searching for other LL blogs and have found a couple that are really encouraging. It's really good to read other people's experiences and see how well they are doing with not only losing weight but also the changes that occur as part of the programme. I have read so much LL stuff lately I hope I'm as prepared as I can be, but I guess in a few days I'll find out!

Lesley, thank you so much for your lovely comment! I'm getting a bit addicted to your blog, I have to say *lol*. Will pop over and catch up :o)

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