Wednesday 7 March 2007

This is it

This is the last time I am going to be this size. I don't know where these thoughts come from, but it dawned on my just now. When I get weighed tonight, its going to be awful, but, I know that I will do this. I will succeed and from here on I'm going to change.

I'm going to call in on some friends who live near where the LL meeting is and see them first, then go on to the meeting. I'm in such an insanely positive mood today, I'm on the verge of scaring myself! Poppy has eaten proper dog food today without having to have chicken or gravy in it to tempt her, we've had a lovely walk on the top of the hill and I phoned work to speak to Katrina to find out that I passed an important exam that I took a few weeks ago.

I asked Katrina's advice for eating the foodpacks when working the shifts and she said to count from midnight to midnight as each day so take a pack to have for breakfast in the early hours of the next morning. Thats easy enough!

I can and WILL do this! My friends believe in me, so I just need to believe in myself....


Lesley said...

I can tell from your tone that you're going to do brilliantly on this diet. Positivity is what is needed. I was the same- couldn't quite believe it was going to be as good as I wanted it to be but felt totally different about starting LL than about any other diet I've ever done - and I've done plenty. You go for it!

Wendy said...

Thank you so much Lesley! I think I was the most excited one there tonight, lol. I'm a bit peckish right now, but I have a glass of water and will be off to be starting in the morning.
Thanks for all your support, you're a star!
Wendy x