Sunday 25 March 2007

Day 18, pt 2

I went to the pop-in session earlier and got weighed - I've lost another 4lbs, YIPPEEEE!!! So thats 18lbs in 18 days. I'm over the moon with that.

Actually, it was quite nice as the LLC only had one other person call in and she was leaving when I got there so we had the chance to chat a bit. We talked about once I get on the Management and in some ways its a bit scary to think that in however many months I'm going to be let loose with real food again. Obviously I don't want to go back to eating the same kind of crap that got me where I am now, so it was reassuing to know that there will be menu idea's and food plans to help.

I was saying that I had been thinking a lot about the group session and how our parents affect our eating habits and that a lot of the veg I hate is probably due to being fed soggy, overcooked stuff as a child. I'm not blaming my parents, but I suppose 25 years ago there wasn't so much choice in food, nor the variety in cooking methods. So, thinking ahead, I've decided I'm going to invest in a steamer when I get closer to Management. Before starting LL I went for dinner with the Two Allans and they'd cooked the veg in a steamer and I was surprised how good it tasted! I'm not expecting to change my intense hatred of pea's, but other green food could be ok.


Lesley said...

Well done you! It's weird how you start thinking about eating proper food isn't it? I've been doing a lot of that and can't wait to start cooking nice, fresh, interesting food and banishing toast based meals from my diet! My LLC says the maintenance course should ideally be 12 weeks long which should give us loads of time to adjust to sensible eating.

Can't wait.

Well done again and keep it up!

Lesley x

Wendy said...

Thanks Lesley. I think I need to learn that toast isn't one of the major foodgroups!! Ho hum....

Wendy x

chrismars said...

Hi Wendy, I've just caught up with your last 3 days posts. so glad to read that Poppy is getting on Ok - lovely piture of her, by the way.

Good on you for telling your Mum about LL. It's never nice to keep something really important fro those you love. And the extra support you'll get from her will only help you towards your goal. As I was reading, I thought why doesn't Mum try Cambridge, there's bound to be more counsellors available to her - check out the website for a list of CDCs in her area. And, lo and behold, there was a comment from Lesley suggesting just that thing! If Mum goes to Cambridge, the foodpacks are almost the same (just a few different flavours - in fact, more than LL) and my CDC says that Cambridge make the packs for Lighterlife.

And many congraualtions on the 1lb a day loss. Fantastic!

Tim said...

Keep it going girl - I check regularly and you're doing great. As for your hatred of peas - in my recent experience you have no problem with pees!!

Wendy said...

Tim!!! Are you checking up on me? Hmm....

Anyway, anyone on LL will tell you they spend a considerable amount of time on the loo, its one of the side effects.

Don't forget I'll be late for work on Wednesday evening ;o)

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