Tuesday 13 March 2007

Day 6

Well, nearly a week in and not doing too badly. I kept busy most of yesterday which seemed to help take my mind off any hunger pangs. I sorted out some of my clothes and washed and ironed shirts I used to wear to work but got a bit tight, so they are now ready for when I've shed a few more pounds. I don't have any clothes that are much smaller as I seem to have been this size or thereabouts for ages, but at least when I have trimmed down a bit there will be clothes ready to wear.

I made the most of the good weather so got out in the garden and mowed the lawn for the first time this year. Took the dogs up on the hill but wasn't the most energetic walks as Poppy didn't feel up to too much walking.

Off out today on a transport run but thankfully most of it is on the M4 so there will be plenty of motorway service stations for me to stop at should nature call.

I have to admit to feeling hungry a lot of the time. I'm not craving anything specific, just a sort of dull empty stomach feeling but if I was doing any other kind of diet, I would be feeling hungry being on reduced rations, so its no big deal. I'm looking forward to my first weekly weigh-in tomorrow night and hope I'm still on track!


Steph said...

Hi Wendy, I've been craving certain foods, yesterday I could of bit someones head off for a fish muffin (or barm / barmcake for you southerners lol)with mushy peas from the chippy but I've noticed I had similar thoughts and cravings when I stopped smoking so I know they pass.

I've not even thought about sorting out my clothes, I threw out everything last year that didn't fit me. There is a rack of clothes at our LL for people to use for when they are inbetween sizes.

Don't forget your camera for the transport run.

Well done Wendy, you're doing brilliantly.

Claire Elliott said...

Hi Wendy,
Thanks for your comment and well done on your weight loss, 8 lbs is fantastic, i'll try and not be too jealous!! Great blog, I hate the vanilla and caramel too. Have you tried the freezer chocolate thing yet with the foil? I have a sheet of recipes if you would like a copy email claire.silverton@gmail.com and I'll send it over, struggling tonight but reading yours, Lesleys and Sams bloggs have kept me going...stay in touch, Claire