Poppy's been to the vets this morning as she has got very swollen again over the last week. Sadly, its not very good news. According to Malcolm, the vet, she is "on the highest dose of everything she can have" but all the meds still aren't helping her. Although we usually see another vet, Alison, Malcolm was ther when Poppy had the drain done before so had seen how she was then. Malcolm said that if he's being honest, he's surprised she's lasted this long and that although he is happy to do the drain, being realistic its putting off the inevitable. I've told Malcolm that I want everything possible done for Pops. She deserves more time than this so if it helps this time, he has agreed that we can look at draining the fluid every 3 weeks or so. There is the worry that the drain will take away protein that Pops needs and that her abdomen will just fill up again, but last time was a month ago and she did perk up for a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping against hope that we can keep her going a bit longer this way.
In herself, Pops is still bright and still waggy and happy around me. She can't manage the stairs on her own and she's leaking more, but while her eyes are still bright and her tail is wagging, I'm not giving up on her yet So, tomorrow morning I've got to take her in to be drained and then phone at lunchtime.
I know that Poppy, being a rescue and not having had a good start in life was never going to have any guarantee of a long life with me, but I get so bloody angry to think that people who run places like the one she came from are concerned more with money than the health and welfare of the dogs they breed from. Obviously if Poppy had never been a puppy farm bitch, I wouldn't have her now, but I just love this little girl so much I want her to have more time than she's had so far.
Getting back to the main reason for this blog, the diet, there's not much to report for today. Despite being upset today, I've not felt hungry not had any inclination whatsoever to eat as 'comfort'. It was 'curry day' in the cafe at work but luckily for me, I'm not keen on curry so that wasn't tempting. Tim ate a bag of crisps earlier and I could quite happily have eaten just one, to remind myself what I was missing, but he took himself off away so I didn't have to smell them or listen to him chomping away. Probably for the best.
Tomorrow is of course weigh-in night which I'm looking forward to. I've been drinking plenty of water and sticking to the foodpacks, although I'm rapidly going off the toffee bars. Hopefully my list that I wrote the other day will make the coming next week easier.
Oh Wendy..
I'm really sad reading about Poppy. I had a dog for 12 years and I can associate with what you're feeling. Prince was bought from a cat and dog shelter and had distemper when we got him, like Poppy had an awful start but loved the life he had with me and the family. I remeber the vet saying just think about what he's had compared to what he would have had but I distinctly remember feeling that no matter what anyone said to comfort me, it was devastating watching him when he was poorly! My heart goes out to you. At the time I would have happily given up numerous humans rather than Prince! I hope everything is alright and I think you are doing the right thing on the draining front, you must have a great deal of will power to keep on LL with that going on in the background! Good luck for the weigh in and thanks for your support :)
Yeah - I just look at my little pooch and feel for you too. I hope Poppy enjoys lots more quality time with you and I'm sure you'll do the exact right thing forher. After all, you're her saviour!
Well done on the diet too - it's always tough when you've got stuff going on so stick to it and I'm sure the weigh in will bring you your rewards.
Thinking of you and Poppy.
Lesley xx
It's so sad to hear about Poppy,it's never an easy time when they're ill. Will keep my fingers crossed for you that the draining continues to work and that you have plenty more time to enjoy together.
Well done on sticking to LL through all this, as Claire said, you must have stacks of willpower!
Good luck for the weigh-in and keep us all posted on how Poppy's doing.
Ois x
Wendy I am so sorry that is isn't better news for Pops. Thinking lots of good thoughts for her and hoping the treatment will work because she does deserve more time after what she was put through.
She's such a beautiful, happy dog and you can't help but melt inside when she looks at you with those big eyes, I really do hope she's feeling better soon, I really do.
Good luck with the weigh-in.
Steph x
I'm so sorry about Poppy, Wendy. I could feel how upset you are just reading your blog. You must know we all feel for you. But while Poppy is happy and not suffering pain she needs to be with you.
It seems a little crass to talk of ther diet at this point so I shall just say, "Good luck with the weigh-in."
Keep your pecker up, sweetie
Chris x
Wendy, I read your blog every day and lesley's, I am really sorry for you regarding Pops. You have to be very strong and even though it breaks your heart, you will have to make the right choice for you and Poppy. I have lost my dog and my cat, my cat being 17 years old, they will never be replaced and even now tears well up when I speak of them both. They were my babies. Be strong my lovely and be prepared - it will happen xx
PS well done on the LL I follow you all avidly.
Hi Wendy,
Really sorry to hear about Poppy and it sounds that she is still enjoying being with you despite her health.
I am thinking about you, (and well done on not eating the contents of a fridge).
Take care
Sam xx
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