Thursday 8 March 2007

Day 1,pt2

I'm a bit shocked really that I'm doing ok. I've drunk 3.5 litres of water already and have had two foodpacks. As I'm working nights tonight, I went to bed for a couple of hours earlier. Have since got up, walked dogs and hoovered. Feel a bit peckish now, but not hungry enough to have a foodpack. Will take some to work to have one when I get there and then another later.

I've been going to the loo non-stop, but I'm hoping that will settle down. I think I'm not doing too badly with the water as I would usually drink lots of coffee. I did try it black but I'm not keen on it.

I'm looking forward to Sunday and finding out whether I've got to Ketosis yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go or it girl! It will all be worth it in the end!