Sunday 18 March 2007

Day 11

For some mad reason, I woke up at 6.30am this morning. On a Sunday??? Never mind, it was at the time nice and sunny so I got up. Felt quite perky so made the most of it by whizzing round doing houseworky things. Its not so bad being up early though as hopefully I'll be tired later and sleep ok as I'm back on day's tomorrow.

Went to my parents to see my mum, with it being Mothers Day. Feeling bad as my parents had been away for a week and she'd got me some fudge from Hotel Chocolat as of course she has no idea that I'm on LL. They won't be wasted though as next month we're off up to London to stay with my best friend Mindy in her lovely new house, and I'm hoping Mindy likes fudge as much as chocolate (Mindy, as you'll read this, just think of the huge favour you'll be doing me!). My parents are going to Barbados in May to visit my aunt and uncle who live there and mum wanted some sarongs for the beach. I found a couple of really nice ones on Ebay and gave them to her today. Little does she know that I plan to make use of them one day.

Poppy Poopaloopa is feeling very fed up with herself as she's got even more swollen so in the morning I'll be phoning the vets. Poppy's usual vet, Alison, is on holiday now so we'll try and see Malcolm instead as he is very good and know's me and the doglets well. Am hoping that when I get to work new co-worker will be ok with me taking a half day at short notice, but I figure going in is better than not going in and just phoning. Anyway, they know me by now and that if I need to go to the vets, I'm not pissing about.

Very odd weather today, bright sunshine now with hailstones. Just looking out the window and there's a bird on the bird feeder. About blooming time!! It's been there all winter and I keep cleaning it out and refilling with fresh sunflower seeds yet the birds in my garden haven't been interested.


Lesley said...

Very resourceful re-gifting the fudge - always best to remove temptation promptly!

Weird about your bird feeder - my bird absolutely love the white sunflower seed hearts and eat like pigs all day every day - I fill it up once a day in winter and twice once the greedy beggars start breeding in the summer. This morning in the icy snow/hail storm I counted over 30 birds on the feeder, the ground and queuing up to feed - chaffinches, green finches, goldfinches, tits of all description, siskins and sparrows plus the odd grumpy crow who struggles to balance and a pair of collared doves. I love them though so it's worth slogging out into the cold to fill the feeder up every morning.

It is weird suddenly having this energy and the inability to sleep in any more but you will find that you get loads done so it's got to be a good thing - well done for sticking to the diet so well and keep it up.

Lesley x

Steph said...

Thinking good thoughts for Pops, I do hope she is feeling better very soon.

chrismars said...

Hope Poppy's soon better, Wendy. When a pet is ill it's almost worse than having a sick child. at least a child can tell you how they feel. good luck at the vets.

Good thinking with the fudge. Just hide it away somewher until you come down to London!!

Chris x