Monday 19 March 2007

Day 12

Work again today. Woke up before the alarm went off so maybe this theory of having more energy etc after the first couple of weeks is true. Frozen windscreen wipers lost me the time I gained from being early. Never mind.

Back on shift with Tim, which is ok. There are far worse co-workers to have. Tim now has the url for this blog so if he starts being mean to me, I'll just write mean things about him. Seriously though, Tim has actually been very supportive, so it does help. I'm not going to say too many nice things about Tim or he'll only let it go to his head and be further convinced that every female is, in his own words, gagging for him.

Anyway, I definitely feel like I'm coping near food better. I've smelt food, seen food and I'm not so bothered today. I've drunk over 5 litres of water already, which is keeping the hunger away, although I've had a bar and a foodpack already. I sat down yesterday and planned the next lot of foodpacks. I think I've been a bit hasty last week with my choices as I've got too many soups and bars. Hopefully by planning it better, I will enjoy them more.

Couldn't get an appointment at the vets for today so going tomorrow. Means I'll not be in work first thing, but at least with a morning apppointment if Pops does need to go in and get drained, they might do it the same day. She didn't want her breakfast again this morning so something needs to be done. Apart from the fact she needs to eat, I don't know if I'm ready yet to cope with roast chicken etc if Poppy goes off her food.

I've done some pondering today, after speaking to a couple of people. It's strange how the most unlikely people can be supportive. I suppose that if most people were honest they would have hangups about their weight, body etc so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I knew someone who was so thin yet despite eating like a horse, but she just couldn't keep the weight on and she hated it. I think that was when I first realised that you don't have to be skinny to be happy and while being bigger you assume that thinner people are happier, its not necessarily the case.


Lesley said...

Hope Poppy is ok. It's horrid when thy're ill isn't it - they look so dejected. My spoilt little brat of a dog eats proper food (chicken and stuff) and I do struggle with it but most of the time my husband feeds her instead.

What you were saying about realising that being thin doesn't automatically make you happy makes sense - but I think the effort of becoming slim and controlling our weight will teach us such a lot about ourselves and what we can achieve that we're more likely to be happy and effective people afterwards. As we've always known, it's not what you look like but the person you are inside that counts but not feeling like a failure inside will help a lot!!

Also, there is a shallow person in every one of us who wants to look good in nice clothes and to feel fit and healthy!! You can't discount that.

Hi Tim - be nice to her, she deserves it!!

chrismars said...

Glad to read that things are getting easier at last, Wendy.

When I was at the stage as you on LL I found that the ambivalence to food came all of a sudden and I wsn't at all worried about it anymore.

Unfortunately, having the break has made it seem a lot harder this time round. It's only been 8 days back on but seems a lot longer.

One of the girls brought a KFC into the office for lunch today - of course she's very skinny. Why is that the skinny ones can get away with it. Can you imagine the looks we, slightly less skinny ones, would get if we brought the same lunch in!I wasn't at all BOVVERED tho' - we are learning to eat healthy!!!!!

Good luck at the vets tomorrow.

Chris xx

SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

It's good to see you are getting on well and I too agree about lack of interest in food (hope feeling stays as was hell over last few days!)

Hope poppy is ok and you get things sorted out.

Just wait until we get halfway, I never though I would get to double figures (LOL)

Sam x

Tim said...

Don't worry Wend - I can manage the crisps myself! And you have too many friends keeping an eye on you here for me to let you slip. Think they would get to me before you. Keep it going - you know we are ALL supporting you.